Animating Sprites in Unity

Anurag Chawla
2 min readApr 14, 2021

Here in this article — we see how to animate different Power-Ups like Speed Booster, Shields…

Speed Booster -Power Up

Here the game mechanics related to Animate Sprites — to Alert Player Instantly something coming on their way……………..!!!

Here again we have got the some Power-Up Sprite from the store and drag and drop at hierarchy window and updated it with name “Speed-PowerUp”. Along with it we apply physics & collisions using Box-Collider 2D -set Is-Trigger, Added Rigid Body 2D- set Gravity Scale to 0 as shown above.

Now to animation clip — Select the GameObject “Speed-PowerUp” and open the Animation window and click the Create button. That will open a window where you can name Animation clip and Animation Controller will be saved. Name the clip “Speed-PowerUp_anim” and then drag the sprite sequence into the Timeline. Here you can Preview the Clip, while click on Play button and animation can be adjusted based on your choice of sample rate or update the animation length.

Creation of Animating -Speed Booster..!!!

This Power-up helps to increase the speed of the player..

On the same lines we have another power-up that is called Shields…as below..


These Animating Power-Ups puts life..inside the game so that player can easily find..something coming up …so that he can get alerted Instantly..

@GameDevHQ-Day 16…



Anurag Chawla

Emerging Technologies - Power Virtual Agents | AI Chatbots | Multi-Cloud & DevOps | UI Technologies - React , Angular | Gaming Technolgies - Unity, XR- AR/VR