Benefits of Prototyping without Assets
What exactly is Prototyping without assets — it is an art of building Game Mechanics with tools and technology in evolving the whole process before moving to next level of putting skins to Game Objects or Production Ready.
As we begin started Galaxy Shooter as seen from last few articles with initial 3D -Cubes for the Player, Enemies, 3D- Capsule for the Laser and giving these Game Objects life with adding certain properties and behaviour — with objective of attracting the audiences to play the fun game.
Lets see benefits of Prototyping for our Galaxy Shooter-2D
- It helps to see Game Objects — Player, Laser & Enemies are expected to play the role they are meant for. It will help the game -developers, tester and others like artists involved to see their Game Design Documents are taking shape as expected- their use cases or stories.
- Our Galaxy Shooter 2D — having game mechanics where Player are meant to moving around the horizontal, vertical direction. How far they can move upwards- any restriction on movements. What are mechanics to fire Laser — like hitting the space key of keyboard. In what direction Laser moves- do we need to apply Physics — using Rigid Body and Collisions. What kinds of collisions needed here — Hard Surface or Triggers. Enemies — when they start spawning and how much time we need to spawn enemies when player died etc.
- It also checks — whether it’s engaging the mass audience when they play the game- they attract what kinds of crowd — kids, adults etc or its for single player or multi-player. One can receive the surveys, feedback etc from them to see the liking and disliking in the initial stage of the game itself.
- It also helps to see the gaps — where one can add other features into the game mechanics — like PowerUps to make more life into Player. PowerUps like speed-booster to speed up the player movement, triple-shots — when player fire laser, instead of one, it will fire three lasers. How can player can be protected from enemies when hit— they should have shields and similar how can we get extra player life with another kind of Life-PowerUp.
- What kinds of platform — we can deploy the game so that it will be available to the other audiences who play games on line through — like WebGL, mobiles- iOS or Android etc.
- It reduces the risks in the early stages of the Game Development Life-Cycle.
This Prototype — no doubt provides proven aspect in building the Game Mechanics as well as in addition one can scale-up the Game Project beyond ones imagination — using latest technologies of AI and Machine Learning
@GameDevHQ-Day 14…