The Great Fleece- Sleeping Guard Timelines for Cut-Scene, Animation Track…!!

Anurag Chawla
3 min readSep 11, 2021


Here you can find the details of every next step of Sleeping Guard Timelines for cut-scenes, Animation track & pan the virtual camera down.

Note: The timeline is an animation track that allows you to add animation timeline events. eg: if you have 5 seconds cut scene, within that 5 seconds timeline will allow us to add camera cuts, we can animate our virtual cameras, we can pan, can create audio effects & also create activation track

Sleeping Guard Timelines -Unlike Cinemachine, Timeline is natively supported by unity- that can be selected from Window menu -> Timeline.

First, how we can go from OTS Shot (Over the shoulder shot) to a cut that is Mid Shot — for this we need to create a timeline asset, select the sleeping guard cut scene and click on create buttonthat will create a director component and timeline asset as shown below and we call this sleeping_guard_timeline.

Added -Sleeping_Guard_Timeline

You can see that the animation track is added & Sleeping_Guard_CutScene having Playable Director- controls when timeline assets are enabled and playable.

Playable Director — that controls when timelines assets are enabled and playable.

Now add the CinemachineBrain to the timelines, so that it knows it can swap between the cm virtual cameras from CM OTS shot to CM Mid Shot in the main camera. Here we can add the virtual cameras for 5 seconds using a cine-machine shot clip for both the virtual cameras. We can overlap/blend a part of it and preview the cuts with a white slider as shown below using cinematics events.

Added Cinematics events— Add Virtual Cameras that blend the OTS & Mid Shot cut

Now after we need to animate our actors — which are not animating just blending the two cuts as shown above

Select Add and we will create an Animation Track — and it looking for animation and drag the actors to the animation track and from there we can add the Get Card Animation clip & when we preview again we can see the animation along with the cinematics cut shots — where Darren pan down and get the card from the security guard.

Adding Animation Track- You can see actors now animating when previewing through the slider

Next Panning Virtual Cameras- Here the objective is to Pan the Darren up as our first OTS Cut Scene.

Adding Animation Track- OTS Cut Scene for Pan Darren Up.

In the next article, we will go further to see the activation track in timelines where we can preview how Darren can steal the key card from the security guard…!!



Anurag Chawla
Anurag Chawla

Written by Anurag Chawla

Emerging Technologies - Power Virtual Agents | AI Chatbots | Multi-Cloud & DevOps | UI Technologies - React , Angular | Gaming Technolgies - Unity, XR- AR/VR

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